The jury valued the project, among other things, for its creativity and innovative character.


Premios crea en Xixona

What is the "Made in Xixona" contest?

The Made in Xixona business ideas contest is an initiative promoted by the City Council of Xixona with the aim of encouraging the creation of projects and the birth of companies within the municipality.

In this business contest in Jijona participants presented their projects in two categories: Business Growth, for companies already established, and New Business, for newly created companies.

The Made in Xixona awards consist of a cash prize with a variable amount, depending on each category. In 2023 for the “New Business” category there are two second prizes of 2000 Euros and two first prizes of 4000 Euros while in the “Business Growth” category there is one prize of 4000 Euros and one prize of 8000 Euros.

Turrones la Colmena is very proud to have received the first prize in the category of “Company Growth”. award in the category of “Company Growth”. with a project related to our Jijona nougat. Project to be unveiled shortly.

External entities collaborating in the Made in Xixona contest

The following entities, in addition to the town council of Xixona, have supported this Made in Xixona bussiness event.

Entidades organizadoras del certamen empresarial crea en xixona

Made in Xixona entrepreneurship contest video

In the following video we can listen to José Martínez explaining what the project consists of. project Crea en Jijona for companies and who it is focused on.

The video also shows the age groups and the amount of the prizes awarded.

Jury of the first edition of the business contest.

Although this contest called Made in Xixona, is a business contest, there has been a specialized jury. This jury was composed of professionals from different areas that dominate areas such as entrepreneurship, trade and economic development.

Jurado del concurso crea en Xixona